Danilo Ardagna’s home page

Personal Information

Associate ProfessorPolitecnico di Milano
Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e BioingegneriaVia Golgi 42
20133 Milano, Italy

Room: 315

Tel: +39 02 2399 3514
Fax: +39 02 2399 3574


Curriculum Vitae


Research Interest

My research work focuses on the design, prototype, and evaluation of resource management algorithms for large scale distributed systems supporting artificial intelligence, big data, and web applications. In particular, my work aims at the design of optimization algorithms for the maximization of Quality of Service and for the resource management of fog/edge/cloud infrastructures and HPC systems. Recently, I’m focusing on AI applications (I’ve recently coordinated the AI-SPRINT project) and I also work on Model Driven Design and performance analysis of large-scale systems and software (see also the MODACloudsDICE,  EUBRA-BIGSEA, and ATMOSPHERE projects). I also developed energy efficiency solutions for the management of virtualized infrastructures (GAME-IT project). During my Ph.D. studies, I investigated the problem of cost-oriented design and capacity planning of distributed IT architectures.


  • Included in the World’s Top 2% Scientist ranking (according to “Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators”), October 2023, November 2022.
  • Google Education, May 2022.
  • TETRAMAX Best project, October 2021. Best project among the 3rd call for Value Chain Technology Transfer Projects of H2020 TETRAMAX. ANDREAS selected for its exceptional contribution and innovation in power and cost management of deep learning training workloads.
  • Top CompSci University Azure Adoption grant,  October 2016, September 2017, July 2018.
  • D. Ardagna, S. Bernardi, E. Gianniti, S. Karimian Aliabadi, D. Perez-Palacin, J. I. Requeno. Modeling Performance of Hadoop Applications: A Journey from Queueing Networks to Stochastic Well Formed Nets.  ICA3PP 2016 Proceedings (16th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing). 599-613. Granada, Spain. Best paper award.
  • IBM SUR grant, October 2016.  Joint work with Letizia Tanca and Cristina Silvano.
  • A. Evangelinoua, M. Ciavotta, G. Kousiouris, D. Ardagna. A Joint Benchmark-Analytic Approach For Design-Time Assessment of Multi-Cloud Applications. In CF2015 Proceedings (Cloud Forward Conference). 67-77. Pisa, Italy. Best collaboration paper award (European projects track).
  • AWS in Education research grant, May 2014. Joint work with Elisabetta Di Nitto, DEEP-SE Cloud initiative.
  • Windows Azure Research Pass, October 2013. Joint work with Elisabetta Di Nitto.
  • Politecnico di Milano Fondi 5 per mille 2013. Poli-RISPOSTA is one of the 8 projects selected out of 50 proposals by Politecnico di Milano to foster research on society. Co-Applicant, PI Prof. Francesco Ballio
  • AWS in Education research grant, March 2012. Joint work with Elisabetta Di Nitto and Gianpaolo Cugola, DEEP-SE Cloud initiative.
  • AWS in Education research grant, December 2010. Joint work with Elisabetta Di Nitto, DEEP-SE Cloud initiative.
  • IBM Faculty Award 2010. The PARVIS project is funded by IBM to develop self-managing techniques for virtualized systems.
  • Politecnico di Milano Fondi 5 per mille 2009. GAME-IT is one of the 8 projects selected out of 77 proposals by Politecnico di Milano to support junior researchers.


Previous Events


Relevant Publications

  • B. Guindani, D. Ardagna, A. Guglielmi, R. Rocco, G. Palermo. Integrating Bayesian Optimization and Machine Learning for the Optimal Configuration of Cloud Systems. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. To Appear. DOI: 10.1109/TCC.2024.3361070.
  • F. Filippini, J. Anselmi, D. Ardagna, B. Gaujal. A Stochastic Approach for Scheduling AI Training Jobs in GPU-based Systems. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. To Appear. DOI: 0.1109/TCC.2023.3336540.
  • F. Filippini, M. Lattuada, M. Ciavotta, A. Jahani, D. Ardagna, E. Amaldi. A Path Relinking Method for the Joint Online Scheduling and Capacity Allocation of DL Training Workloads in GPU as a Service Systems. 16(3). 1630-1646. 2023.
  • S. Karimian-Aliabadi,  M. M. Aseman-Manzar, R. Entezari-Maleki, D. Ardagna, B. Egger, A. Movaghar. Fixed-point Iteration Approach to Spark Scalable Performance Modeling and Evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. 11(1). 897-910. 2023.
  • M. Ciavotta, G. P. Gibilisco, D. Ardagna, E. Di Nitto, M. Lattuada, M. A. Almeida da Silva. Architectural Design of Cloud Applications: a Performance-aware Cost Minimization Approach. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. 10(3), 1571-1591. 2022.
  • M. Lattuada, E. Barbierato, E. Gianniti, D. Ardagna. Optimal Resource Allocation of Cloud-Based Spark Applications. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. 10(2), 1301-1316. 2022.
  • E. Gianniti, M. Ciavotta, D. Ardagna. Optimizing Quality-Aware Big Data Applications in the Cloud. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. 9(2), 737-752. 2021.
  • D. Ardagna, M. Ciavotta, R. Lancellotti, M. Guerriero. A Hierarchical Receding Horizon Algorithm for QoS-driven control of Multi-IaaS Applications. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. 9(2), 418 – 434. 2021.
  • E. Ataie, R. Entezari-Maleki, L. Rashidi, K. S. Trivedi, D. Ardagna, A. Movaghar. Hierarchical Stochastic Models for Performance, Availability, and Power Consumption Analysis of IaaS Clouds. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. 7(4), 1039-1056. 2019.
  • J. Anselmi, D. Ardagna, J. C.S. Lui, A. Wierman, Y. Xu, Z. Yang. The Economics of the Cloud. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems. 2(4), 1-23. 2017.
  • D. Ardagna, M. Ciavotta, M. Passacantando. Generalized Nash Equilibria for the Service Provisioning Problem in Multi-Cloud SystemsIEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 10(3), 381-395. 2017.
  • B. Addis, D. Ardagna, A. Capone, G. Carello. Energy-aware Joint Management of Networks and Cloud InfrastructuresComputer Networks. 70, 75-95, 2014.
  • C. Sandionigi, D. Ardagna, G. Cugola, C. Ghezzi. Optimizing Service Selection and Allocation in Situational Computing ApplicationsIEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 6(3), 414-428, 2013.
  • D. Ardagna, B. Panicucci, M. Passacantando. Generalized Nash Equilibria for the Service Provisioning Problem in Cloud SystemsIEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 6(4), 429-442, 2013.
  • B. Addis, D. Ardagna, B. Panicucci, M. Squillante, L. Zhang. A Hierarchical Approach for the Resource Management of Very Large Cloud PlatformsIEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. 10(5), 253-272, 2013.
  • D. Ardagna, B. Panicucci, M. Trubian, L. Zhang. Energy-Aware Autonomic Resource Allocation in Multi-tier Virtualized EnvironmentsIEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 5(1), 2-19, 2012.
  • D. Ardagna, B. Panicucci, M. Passacantando A Game Theoretic Formulation of the Service Provisioning Problem in Cloud SystemsWWW 2011 Proceedings. 177-186. Hyderabad, India.
  • M. Tanelli, D. Ardagna, M. Lovera. Identification of LPV state space models for Autonomic Web service systemsIEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 19(1), 93-103, 2011.
  • J. Almeida, V. Almeida, D. Ardagna, I. Cunha, C. Francalanci, M. Trubian.  Joint Admission Control and Resource Allocation in Virtualized ServersJournal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Elsevier. 70(4), 344-362, 2010.
  • D. Ardagna, C. Francalanci, M. Trubian.  Joint Optimization of Hardware and Network costs for Distributed Computer Systems.  IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics, Part A. 38, 470-484, 2008.
  • D. Ardagna, B. Pernici.  Adaptive Service Composition in Flexible Processes.  IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 33(6), 369-384, 2007.
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